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This file describes most of the TeX style files stored in the Software
Warehouse (/usr/sww/lib/tex/inputs). Most of the style files on the
SWW come from the TeX style archive server at Clarkson U.
(sun.soe.clarkson.edu). This file is a lightly edited concatenation
of the "Description" files found in the style directories there.
There are four sections that reflect the organization of the Clarkson
archive. The sections describe the styles for LaTeX, TeX, AmsTeX, and
BibTeX, in that order.
* LaTeX Styles *
File Description
==== ===========
a4.sty Set page size to A4
a4wide.sty Set page size to A4 with narrow margins
a5.sty sets A5 page size (use only with 10pt)
a5comb.sty sets A5 page style but for spirally-bound documents
(bigger inner margins)
aaai.sty Style file for AAAI conference 1988
aaai-doc.tex (BibTeX style in bibtex-style and bibtex-style-0.98)
agugrl.sty AGU Geophysical Research Letters style
agujgr.sty AGU Journal of Geophysical Research style
aip.sty for American Institute of Physics journals
album Style for printing cassette labels
alleqno.sty makes all displayed equations numbered by default
alltt.sty Like verbatim, but permits other commands inside
amssymbols.sty Load AMS font
apalike.sty for American Psychological Association.
(BibTeX style in bibtex-style)
apl.sty for typesetting APL
apsabstract.sty for American Physical Society meetings
asaetr Transactions of the ASAE (American Society for
Agricultural Engineers)
biihead.sty Underlined heading
boxedminipage.sty puts a box round a minipage
breakcites.sty allows citations to break across lines
bsf.sty Provide access to bold san serif fonts in LaTeX
captcont.sty captions in continuations of floats
catmac.sty Commutative diagram macros
cd.sty More commutative diagram macros
changebar.sty changebars for LaTeX
chapterbib.sty Allow LaTeX & BibTeX to produce separate
bibliographies for each chapter.
cite.sty Compress lists of numbers in citations to ranges, and
allow linebreaks with difficulty
cup.sty a document style for books in the Cambridge
University Press, British Computer Society
Workshop series.
cyrillic.sty Load Cyrillic font
deproc.sty DECUS proceedings style and
deproc-doc.tex documentation
doublespace.sty Double spacing in text
draft.sty Draft option for documents for "debugging"
drafthead.sty Prints DRAFT in heading
drop.sty Style for making large dropped initials for
starting paragraphs
ecl draw graphs and trees
eepic A picture environment that used tpic specials
env.sty style files to print on envelopes
epic an extended picture environment
equations.sty marcros to to aid in constructing displayed
equations in LaTeX
espo.sty Style file for Esperanto
fancyheadings.sty modify the headers and footers
farticle.sty French version of article.sty
fixup.sty Fixup Plain's \bigl, etc. to track LaTeX size changes
flowchart.sty macros to write flow charts
fnpara.sty sets footnotes as parapraphs
fontsel Mittelbach/Sch\"opf font selection scheme for
LaTeX---replaces lfonts.tex
format.sty Print FP numbers in fixed format
frenchponct.sty french punctuation
frontiers.sty for Frontiers '88 symposium and other IEEE conferences
fullpage.sty Get more out of a page
geophysics.sty Geophysics journal style
german.sty Style file for German
hackalloc.sty make allocation local for LaTeX
headerfooter.sty adds the capability of underlining the heading, ala
the LaTeX manual
icassp.sty This is a document style option, for cammera-ready copy
for the ICASSP '89 conference (and other IEEE
conferences???), to be used with the article document
style and the proc document style option.
ijcai89.sty Conference Style for IJCAI-89
insertplot.sty Macros for inserting PostScript in files printed with
insertplot.readme Arbortext's DVIPS.
iso.sty for use by those writing ISO standards
ist21.sty IST21 document style option for cover page
jbs.sty for the Journal of Business Strategies
jeep.sty usefull modifications of the article style
jmb.sty Journal of Molecular Biology
layout.tex Prints nice diagram showing page parameters
layout.readme of LaTeX
lablst.sty For printing label definitions at the end of
the document
lcustom.tex Useful macros and definitions for LaTeX
lfonts_ams.tex Use AMS symbols in LaTeX
local-suppl.tex Supplement to local guide that describes
lcustom.tex sfwmac.sty tgrind.sty trademarks.sty
xxxcustom.tex xxxslides.sty
ltugbot.sty for articles to tugboat
manual Like ``book'' but for manuals
Need to look at ``book'' for documentation
memo.sty Memo and memo for the record style option
merge.sty Form letter option to LaTeX letter style
mf.sty make Metafont logo's at all sizes
mitpress.sty a simple MIT Press format
mitthesis.sty Massachusetts Institute of Technology thesis format
multibox.sty provides multiple boxes in pictures
named.sty for use with named.bst
nar.sty Nucleic Acids Research
natsci.sty natural sciences stle style
(BibTeX file in bibtex-style-0.98)
nl.sty style file customized for Dutch
nofm.sty for "n of M" style pagination
nopagenumbers.sty remove page numbers
overcite.sty Give superscript numbers for citations, compressing
lists to ranges, and move past punctuation
oxford.sty Oxford University Press
pagefoots.sty puts footnotes at the bottom of each page
parskip.sty sets parindent to 0 and puts some glue into
parskip to aid page breaks
portland.sty environments to switch between portrait mode
and landscape mode
pslatex Macros for a LaTeX that uses printer
resident PostScript fonts. Requires dvi2ps that
understands PostScript fonts.
refman.sty document style for reference manuals similar to
the PostScript manual
remark.sty Like newtheorem but no \it
res.sty a format for doing resumes by Michael DeCorte
resume.sty a format for doing resumes by Stephen Gildea
romanneg.sty roman-numbered pages get negative page numbers (useful
when selecting only part of a document to be printed)
rotate.sty Rotation of TeX output with TeXtures
(and maybe? other PostScript drivers)
sc21.sty ISO/TC97/SC21 document style option for cover page
schedule.sty Style for generating schedule sheets
screen.sty helps create a document suitable for screen previewing
semitic.sty used to set Semitic languages
sfwmac.sty Useful macros for Unix documentation
shadow.sty put a box with a shadow around text
showlabels.sty Shows labels and references to them
siam SIAM style
(BibTeX style in bibtex-style)
slem.sty Change \sl to \em
spacecites.sty Modified to give spacing between citations
subeqn.sty allows related equations to be numbered with the same
number but is further qualified by a,b,c etc.
subeqnarray.sty allows related eqnarrays to be numbered with the same
number but is further qualified by a,b,c etc.
subfigure.sty allows related figures to be numbered with the same
number but is further qualified by a,b,c etc.
supertab.sty allows multipage tabulars
suthesis.sty Stanford U thesis style
svma.sty Style for Springer-Verlag reports, multi-author
svsa.sty ditto for single author
tables.sty Ruled and unruled tables made easy
tabls.sty Simulate minimum-lineskip glue in tablar environments
tape Files to setup tape libraries
texnames.sty Define a couple more TeX names
tgrind.sty Tgrind macros for LaTeX instead of TeX
threepart.sty Three part page headers
trademarks.sty Definitions of common trademarks
twoup.sty change the page sizes so that 2 pages can fit
onto one with the help of dvidvi
ucthesis U of California thesis style
ukdate.sty Changes the \today command to UK style
ulem.sty Use underlining for \em-phasis
usenix.sty For Usenix conference proceedings
vdm.sty Vienna Development Method LaTeX style
vdm-doc.tex Documentation on above
verbatimfiles.sty include a file in a verbatim mode
xxxcustom.tex Supplementary macros for xxx-tex, for some xxx
xxxslides.sty Supplementary macros for SliTeX, includes slides.sty
* TeX Styles *
File Description
==== ===========
cell Macros to allow for both vertical and horizontal
spans within a ruled table and take steps to
prevent `nubs' and `gaps' when rules are used.
dayofweek.tex Macros to compute day of week and phase of moon
Examples of how to use TeX arithmetic capabilities
declare.tex macros to allocate local registers
epigram.tex print text either centered or in a displayed paragraph
figplace.tex TeX macros to handle floating insertion
fnpara.tex sets footnotes as parapraphs
hyphen-nederlands.tex hyphen.tex for dutch
ithyphen.tex hyphen.tex for Italian
mssymb.tex the definitions for the symbols in the two
"extra symbols" fonts created at the American
Math. Society.
phone.tex prints phone lists
phonebook.tex prints phone and address books
scorecard.tex prints a baseball scorecard for one team
select.tex selectively print pages in a TeX document
texinfo.tex TeX macros to handle Gnu texinfo files
texpictex.tex tpic \special changes to PiCTeX
* AmsTeX Styles *
File Description
==== ===========
amstexsiam.sty AMSTeX style file for SIAM
amstexsiam-doc.tex documentation for above
amstexsiam-sample.tex sample for above
imappt.sty AMSTeX style file for reports and preprints on 8.5 by
11 inch paper. It is presently used by the Institute
of Mathematics and its Applications in Minneapolis
imappt-doc.tex documentation for above
imappt-sample.tex sample for above
mssymb.sty the definitions for the symbols in the two
"extra symbols" fonts created at the AMS.
* BibTeX Styles *
File Description
==== ===========
aaai-named.bst AAAI conference
acm.bst ACM
apalike.bst American Psychological Assocition
(LaTeX style file in latex-style)
asaetr Transactions of the ASAE (American Society for
Agricultural Engineers)
cpp.el A C preprocessor written for GnuEmacs for use in
generating BibTeX style files from a master file.
ieeetr.bst IEEE Transactions
jmb.bst Journal of Theoretical Biology
makebst.sh A shell script to make bibtex style files from a
master bst file
named.bst for use with ijcai89.sty
nar.bst Nucleic Acids Research
physics.btx various physics journals, must be run through
cpp.el or makebst.sh
siam.bst SIAM (LaTeX style in latex-style)